How does HopeNow empower trafficked people through trauma-informed and victim-centred approaches?

We believe in culturally-, trauma-informed and victim-centred approaches to empower and support trafficked persons

We believe in setting achievable goals:

  1. Empowering possible and identified trafficked individuals and assisting them in improving their life chances.
  2.  Advocating for possible and identified trafficked persons' fundamental human rights.
  3.  Increasing awareness of human trafficking and our work in Denmark.

A culturally and trauma-informed Approach

The founder of HopeNow is a trauma therapist. Thus, it's only natural that HopeNow takes a trauma-informed approach to trafficked people. We put the victims and survivors in the centre by, first and foremost, understanding the cultural, physical, social, and emotional impact of trauma on the trafficked person, as well as the well-being of the professionals who help them.

HopeNow contributes to a deeper understanding of the effects of trauma. A trauma-informed approach within the trafficked persons' cultural context produces better case results. Such a sensitive approach leads to more effective interviews of presumed victims and vulnerable documented and undocumented migrants. The long-term trust-building activities with clients help us to document cohesive and trauma-informed narratives. Why does this approach make a difference? The Danish Immigration Department and the Courts are the ones who officially define a person as trafficked. Once defined as trafficked, the Danish state no longer criminalizes them, and they can be released from prison. Our approach increases the chances of cooperation with traumatized clients, identifying them as trafficked and allowing the victims access to protection and rights.

A victim-centred approach

Our victim-centred approach involves systematic and active listening and ensures we can provide service provisions non-judgmentally. We prioritize our clients expressed needs and choices and focus on their safety and rights. This approach improves their access to justice and avoids re-traumatization. We help them navigate complex and contradictory legal pathways.

This empowerment gives back as much control as possible, which was lost during the long process of trafficking.

Above all, we prioritize that trafficked people feel safe, free to speak up, and seek advice and help from us by calling our 24/7 hotline. We listen to them and provide support and assistance safely and sensitively.


Sending-, transit- and receiving countries of trafficking


Why don’t trafficked people in Denmark simply go to the police?