Our Vision

  • At HopeNow, our clients rely on us for long-term support. We understand that trust is built over time, which is why we maintain continuous communication with them, ensuring durable solutions are established.

    Our mission revolves around identifying, assisting, and empowering marginalized individuals, including men, women, and their families, who are facing stigma, marginalization, and the risk of criminalization.

    However, our dedication extends beyond this mandate. We are firm believers in raising awareness about the human rights of trafficked individuals. Through various means such as teaching, art performances, advocacy, and lobbying, we strive to shed light on their plight and fight for justice.

Part of the Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking

We believe in culturally-, trauma-informed and victim-centred approaches to empower and support trafficked persons

- Michele Mildwater, Director, trauma therapist and founder of HopeNow

  • 1) Empowering possible and identified trafficked individuals and assisting them in improving their life chances and social recovery
    We are devoted to empowering and supporting trafficked individuals. Our goal is to help them rebuild their lives, regain self-worth, and create a better future. We understand the challenges trafficked people face when reintegrating into society, which is why we provide customized support services. Our team offers counselling, legal aid, clothes and food packs to meet their specific needs. By harm reducing these programs, we give our clients the tools and skills they need to take control of their lives and offer them opportunities for personal growth.

    2) Advocating for presumed and identified trafficked persons' human rights
    We are dedicated to safeguarding human rights and protecting the fundamental rights of every individual, regardless of legal documentation. Our mission is to amplify the voices of trafficking victims, ensuring relevant authorities hear their stories. We work towards recognition and protection of their rights on both national and international levels. Join us in our pursuit of justice and a world where every person's rights are respected.

    3) Increasing awareness of human trafficking and our work in Denmark

    Our mission is to fight against human trafficking. We do this by raising awareness through networking, lectures, workshops and arts, highlighting its magnitude, and emphasizing the need for collective action. We use strategic campaigns, educational programs, and media outreach to educate a wide audience about the signs of trafficking, prevention strategies, and support for survivors. We collaborate with organisations and schools to conduct workshops, training sessions, and public events. Through these initiatives, we increase awareness, promote dialogue, and encourage engagement in the fight against human trafficking.

  • At HopeNow, our founder, being a trauma therapist, has shaped our approach towards trafficked individuals. Taking a trauma-informed stance is second nature to us. Our focus lies on placing the victims and survivors at the heart of our efforts. To achieve this, we prioritize understanding the extensive impact of trauma on the trafficked person, which encompasses cultural, physical, social, and emotional aspects. We acknowledge the importance of considering the well-being of our professionals who aid in this process.

    Through our work, we contribute to a deeper comprehension of the repercussions of trauma. By adopting a trauma-informed approach within the cultural context of trafficked individuals, we witness better outcomes in their cases. The sensitivity we exercise in our approach allows for more effective interviews, benefiting both presumed victims and vulnerable documented and undocumented migrants.

    Building long-term trust with our clients enables us to gather cohesive and trauma-informed narratives. The significance of this approach stems from the fact that the Danish Immigration Department and the Courts are responsible for officially identifying individuals as trafficked. Upon this recognition, the Danish state no longer criminalizes them, leading to their release from prison. By employing our approach, we enhance the likelihood of traumatized clients cooperating, allowing us to identify them as trafficked and affording them the necessary protection and rights they deserve.

  • At HopeNow, we prioritize a victim-centred approach. We actively listen and provide service provisions without judgment. Our main focus is on meeting our clients' expressed needs and choices while ensuring their safety and rights. Adopting this approach enhances their access to justice and prevents re-traumatization. Our team helps them navigate complex legal pathways, empowering them and restoring lost control. Above all, we want trafficked individuals to feel safe, freely reach out, and seek advice and help through our 24/7 hotline. We lend them a listening ear and offer support with sensitivity and care.