Memberships and Benefits

Awareness Raising on Trafficking
Susanne, Professor
HopeNow and its staff offer decades of in-depth experience in counselling for survivors of human trafficking but also in national and international policy consultation. Therefore, Hope Now provides exceptional expertise in culturally, trauma-informed and victim-centred approaches to empower and support trafficked persons and in advocating for the trafficked persons' fundamental human rights. We have invited HopeNow members for many years to hold seminars at our school of social work. The evaluation feedback on the classes was continuously excellent. Each member of the Hope Now team is an asset for introducing your class at school or university to increase awareness about the crucial topic of human trafficking.
Anna, student
Thank you for coming! First of all, you guys were really good at teaching. You two on the 'stage' had a natural Ping pong.
Key takeaways:
1) How extensive the problem is in our society and how many women and men are trapped in trafficking.
2) Social effort economy - that there are good economic arguments, besides the obvious moral ones, for working against trafficking. It's exciting to make it a good business case.
Matilde, student
Thank you for such an important and awakening lecture.
Personally, I learned a lot about human trafficking that I did not know. Also, the importance of raising awareness around this theme. Thanks to both you and Michelle for that! I also got a new perspective on project management that I have not considered previously and a more practice-oriented approach through your real-life examples. Again, it was a bit of a tough lecture because of all the devastating details about human trafficking, but I am very grateful for it
Emelie, student
Thank you for a very inspiring lecture. I was very uninformed about the topic, and I learned a lot about trafficking as something surrounding us way more than we think - that was very useful but also scary knowledge. In addition, relating this to project management, I think it has broadened my eyes to how hard it can be to manage a project if you cannot convince your stakeholders/shareholders what the project's purpose is and the outcome. As I understood it, you have to be very specific in terms of budget, and action plan, if you want to get funded - that was an important insight :-)
Sebastian, student
It was a very enlightening lecture :-) I more or less opened my eyes to a new social group to look out for in the future. Due to my experience working with underprivileged children, people with disorders, and suicidal tendencies, I’m always interested in learning about new groups and their difficulties.
Thank you very much for a rewarding and informative lecture. You were very inspiring, both of you.
I was not aware of the extent of the problem - not in Denmark. It has been a more distant problem, and not in that way, with those perspectives being discussed in the media enough. Your information and engagement gave me an enormous desire to be able to give and help people - and help make a real difference. Once again, thank you.