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3.000,00 kr.

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Book a workshop

You can choose between the main topics. You can also suggest another special issue.

  • Human Rights of Trafficked People

  • How to conduct outreach in prisons, streets and refugee camps

  • The shrinking space of Civil Society in human trafficking

  • Empowerment of trafficked women and men as peer workers

  • How to empower trafficked people through a victim-centred, culturally - and trauma-informed approach via our social outreach work

  • Project management of human trafficking projects

  • Global Goals SDG5, SDG8, SDG10, SDG16 and SDG17

HopeNow and its staff offer decades of in-depth experience in counselling for survivors of human trafficking but also in national and international policy consultation.

Therefore, Hope Now provides exceptional expertise in culturally, trauma-informed and victim-centred approaches to empower and support trafficked persons and in advocating for the trafficked persons’ fundamental human rights.

We have invited HopeNow members for many years to hold seminars at our school of social work. The evaluation feedback on the classes was continuously excellent.

Each member of the Hope Now team is an asset for introducing your class at school or university to increase awareness about the crucial topic of human trafficking.
— Susanne, Professor